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I was a member of Wakefield Rewards, what is Wakefield Connect?

Wakefield Connect has added features to what you enjoyed in Wakefield Rewards.

To access simply login with the username (email) and password you used in Wakefield Rewards.

I’ve forgotten my password. How can I find it?

Click here to reset your password, you will need the e-mail you registered with in order to complete the process.

If you have forgotten please contact us.

I am new to Wakefield Connect and want to become a member. How do I register?

Click here to access the registration form.

Why does my company not appear in the drop down when I try to register?

Please contact us and provide your company name and full address.

Where are the Learn Guides?

Learn guides are exclusive to registered members. Click here to register.

Which browser version should I be using?

Newer browser versions usually work the best, and as a minimum you should be running Internet Explorer 10, Safari 11, Google Chrome, or Firefox. Mobile devices should have the latest Apple or Android browser apps installed.

I am having technical problems, what can I do?

If you are experiencing network or system problems, please check with your Technical or Systems Administrator. If you are experiencing a problem with the Wakefield Connect program, please contact us.

Please provide the following information when you report a problem:

  • Your Email
  • Issue description
  • Date issue occurred
  • Browser and version
  • Operating System version
  • Include screen captures if possible